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Islamic Medicine  & Hijamah & Leech  & Acupuncture Therapy &  Diet & Nutrition

Qualified & Experienced Male & Female Therapists


Cupping Therapy
(The Prophet said), "Healing is in three things: A gulp of honey, cupping, and branding with fire (cauterizing)." But I forbid my followers to use (cauterization) branding with fire."


(The Prophet said), "Healing is in three things: A gulp of honey, cupping, and branding with fire (cauterizing)." But I forbid my followers to use (cauterization) branding with fire."

Balances the Body, Mind & Life energy core by gentle finger touch upon key locations of the body. Acu touch therapy is a revolutionary new approach to healing. It is higher version of Acupuncture treatment.

Acupuncture One Touch Healing

Balances the Body, Mind & Life energy core by gentle finger touch upon key locations of the body. Acu touch therapy is a revolutionary new approach to healing. It is higher version of Acupuncture treatment.

leech therapy

Medicinal leech therapy (MLT) or hirudotherapy is a kind of complementary and integrative treatment method applied with blood-sucking leeches. One or more leeches are attached to the skin of problematic area and the purpose is to gain potential utilities of leech saliva that is secreted while the leeches are feeding.

Medicinal leech therapy (MLT) or hirudotherapy is a kind of complementary and integrative treatment method applied with blood-sucking leeches. One or more leeches are attached to the skin of problematic area and the purpose is to gain potential utilities of leech saliva that is secreted while the leeches are feeding.
Treating with Acupuncture
Does the word "diet" immediately make you think of an unpleasant weight-loss regimen?  If it did, you are probably not alone. For example, consider the use of the term "diet" in marketing food products—it usually describes foods low in calories, such as diet soda.  But there is another meaning of this word. Diet can also refer to the food and drink a person consumes daily and the mental and physical circumstances connected to eating. Nutrition involves more than simply eating a “good” diet—it is about nourishment on every level. It involves relationships with family, friends, nature (the environment), our bodies, our community, and the world.  Choices about nourishment are very much linked to other human beings and other life forms on this planet, so healthy (and unhealthy) decisions have great impact.

Diet & Nutrition

Does the word "diet" immediately make you think of an unpleasant weight-loss regimen?

If it did, you are probably not alone. For example, consider the use of the term "diet" in marketing food products—it usually describes foods low in calories, such as diet soda.

But there is another meaning of this word. Diet can also refer to the food and drink a person consumes daily and the mental and physical circumstances connected to eating. Nutrition involves more than simply eating a “good” diet—it is about nourishment on every level. It involves relationships with family, friends, nature (the environment), our bodies, our community, and the world.

Choices about nourishment are very much linked to other human beings and other life forms on this planet, so healthy (and unhealthy) decisions have great impact.


Fresh blackseed's oilATyour door

Black seed oil has been used in the middle east for centuries as an alternative medicine to hundreds of diseases known to man. The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) himself declared “Black Seed oil to be the greatest medicine of them all. He also said, Black Cumin heals every disease except for death”.

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